Center for P.E.A.C.E and Community
Retreat/Conference Center and Gathering Place
Bath, Maine
“Biosophy is the science and art of intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony.” Dr. Frederick Kettner
Working with the Center's Director Lou Ensel is a study of how a space should be designed. Mindfulness, process and the anticipation of how and who will be using the Center has been key.
Designing spaces for people to gather, explore and share ideas, theories and making the world a better place is a delight. The colors we chose reflect a peaceful palette. This is a project in progress.
Creating a space for people to gather and share ideas and be our best selves has been an honor. We have been working on the interiors, colors and furnishings, signage and the guest experience since 2016. Every moment has been a joy. Last year we turned our eyes and energy to the garden and are are now working on building a Pollinator and Native rich Environmental Habitat.
The Center for P.E.A.C.E. & Community
Biosophical Institute.
Bath, Maine
Rewild Your Garden
kdb Studio Alchemy
928 Middle St.
Bath, Me 04530
Phone 207.653.9334

Retreat/Conference Center and Gathering Place in Bath, Maine

Retreat/Conference Center and Gathering Place in Bath, Maine

Retreat/Conference Center and Gathering Place in Bath, Maine

Retreat/Conference Center and Gathering Place in Bath, Maine
